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Sale and lease-backs

Realcon Associates advises clients on sale and lease-back transactions, where the owner sells the property and leases it back from the buyer. They assist in negotiating favorable terms and maximizing the benefits of such arrangements.

Sale and by-backs

The team helps clients in selling properties and subsequently repurchasing them, often with revised terms and conditions. They provide guidance throughout the transaction process.

Asset identification, disposals, and acquisitions

Realcon Associates assists clients in identifying valuable assets, managing their disposal, and facilitating acquisitions of new properties. They conduct due diligence, negotiate deals, and ensure smooth transactions.

Office restructuring reviews (Technical teams)

The team reviews and assesses office restructuring plans, especially from a technical perspective. They provide insights on space utilization, workflow optimization, and infrastructure requirements.

Strategic plan drafting

Realcon Associates helps clients develop strategic plans for real estate transactions. They consider market conditions, financial goals, risk management, and growth strategies to create comprehensive and effective plans.