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Project profiling and compilation

Realcon Associates assists clients in creating comprehensive profiles and compilations of real estate development projects. This includes outlining the project goals, resources needed, and potential risks.

Alternative investment deal proposals

The team helps clients explore and evaluate alternative investment opportunities in real estate. They analyze potential deals and present proposals that align with the client's investment objectives.

Feasibility studies

Realcon Associates conducts thorough feasibility studies to assess the viability of real estate projects. This includes analyzing market conditions, financial aspects, regulatory requirements, and potential risks.

Project planning

The team assists in creating strategic plans for real estate projects, considering factors such as design, construction, financing, marketing, and sales.

Project risk profiling

Realcon Associates identifies and assesses potential risks associated with real estate projects. They develop risk profiles, strategies, and mitigation plans to ensure successful project execution.

Land and location suitability studies

Realcon Associates conducts studies to evaluate the suitability of land and locations for real estate development. They assess factors such as zoning regulations, infrastructure availability, market demand, and environmental considerations.